Saturday, December 24, 2005


Here is just a scary eye pic - with no makeup on top of it!!!

Friday, December 23, 2005


Hello hello hello!

Happy Christmas Eve!!! WOOHOO!! Well, my big plan for Christmas include 12.5 hours of work Christmas Eve, 13 hours of work Christmas day, and to put a nice finish to things: 12 hours of work the day after Christmas! So basically, I have a weekend of about 38 hours to look forward to, YEAHOO!!

The upside of that very depressing news is that I leave for Chicago first thing in the morning on the 27th! It has been way too long since I have last been home so I am REALLY looking forward to getting back, seeing my brothers, hanging with my friends and basically being flat-out American for a little while. One of my major plans for the first day is my brother picking me up from the airport with an enormous dr. pepper in hand (I can't really get that in France), then grabbing a nice veggie burger at burger king, a nap, and then buying a new digital camera. I have had ENOUGH of not having a freakin' camera!!! I am totally SICK of it!

Yesterday, I took a huge walk around Paris as I will be gone for a couple weeks. I hiked over and across the Seine to St. Germain. There is a lovely tea store called Mariage Frères which I visited for a Christmas gift for my boyfriend's brother. After that, I hiked back up toward the Seine and followed it down to St. Michel. I then remembered that there is a famous bookstore for Americans called Shakespeare and Co that I hadn't ever visited. I've been meaning to pick up a copy of The Idiot by Dostoevsky and so I figured this was the perfect moment. This place is unbelievable!!! If you are ever in Paris, this is an absolute must. Any American writer who comes to Paris visits this place as if it were mecca. I think I will do a whole post on this place when I get back into town and when I can take some pictures. You kind of have to see it to believe it. After this, I crossed over and walked in front of Notre Dame, visited the flower markets, the christmas markets, the pet stores and then decided to cruise around the outside of the Louvre and see some of the older churches. After that, I continued down rue St. Honoré which is great shopping and then traversed the Palais Royal with it's fantastic gardens and was home again!

It's amazing the city I live in here. It is a different kind of everyday, but you can also make it like no other day. It's funny, I feel like I kind of own Paris now in my own way. I never feel lost, I always feel connected to one thing or another. It really has become a sort of home for me. This little 3 hour walk reminded me of that...

By the way, here is a crazy picture of my hair after it was attached all friggin morning - you basically get the idea of the crazy natural "go with the flow" haircut! AND, on top of it, There is NO color left!!!!

Anyhow, enough of the sentimental, it is time for me to start preparing to head back to the land of eternal cold - CHICAGO!!!

I'll be back with more news soon!


Monday, December 12, 2005

Soirée Fantasme!!! Fantasy Party

Hello hello hello everyone! Yes, I know, it has been a little while since I have posted. I have been as busy as usual however last Saturday night, my friend Alice held a Fantasy Party at the hotel. Basically, everyone was to dress up as a fantasy of some kind. You can imagine, we had men as women, men as gay men, women as whores, schoolgirls, etc... It was a total blast! Anyhow, I didn't have a costume as I worked all day and my school girl costume fell through for lack of a skirt! Anyhow, here is a couple little pics to give you the idea!

Okay, so in the top picture you have a view of the surrounding area with a picture of my head talking to a super cute Australian guy! No worries I was good! All in all it was good fun and close to home. That is my friend Alice, sexy huh? ;)

Talk you all soon!


P.S. For those who were curious how my hair is, you can kinda see here, but not really all that well!!!!