Monday, November 14, 2005

A little Breakfast in America?

Ok, so back again with a little more restaurant news!!! In this case, diner news!

Basically, I woke up Sunday morning and I was dying for a good old Denny's hangover breakfast. It sounds so simply right? Well basically, what I eat for breakfast now includes croissants, tea, jelly....and well that's about it. The good old French breakfast just wasn't going to cut it for me Sunday morning. I remembered seeing something in some American newspaper regarding a place called Breakfast in America - An American Diner in Paris. I know I know, I should be taking advantage of all the lovely places to eat in Paris, but sometimes you just need your American crap-food fix and that is exactly what I got!!! I ordered a cheese omlet, hashbrown, sausages, a stack of pancakes and 2 orange juices!! I was stuffed to the bone and for the first time in a long time experienced one of the famous Denny's food comas! (You know, after you eat such ridiculous portions of food and about the only thing you can do is vegitate in front of a television or sleep?) Anyhow, it is one of the few places in Paris where you can have an American breakfast. Now, does it compare to Denny's? NO WAY!!! It filled the little hole in my stomach but it made an ever bigger one in my pocket-book!! I walked outta there paying 20 euros!!!! (That is about the equivalent of $24 for what woulda cost me a maximum of $10 for a better meal at Denny's. But hey, you gotta take what you can get - and they all speak English, perhaps that is what cost more!!!

Breakfast in America
17, rue des Ecoles
75005 Paris
That is all for now folks, have a great day!!!


Blogger Parisjasmal said...

I would imagine you DO crave some good old American crap food every now and then. I was only in France for a week and I missed American crap food. The Jambone Frommage was just not the same as a good old cheesburger.

More than the food, I missed a cold drink. The lukewarm Coca Cola Lights made me very sick. ACK!

Thanks for all this great information!

4:18 PM  

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