Soirée Fantasme!!! Fantasy Party
Hello hello hello everyone! Yes, I know, it has been a little while since I have posted. I have been as busy as usual however last Saturday night, my friend Alice held a Fantasy Party at the hotel. Basically, everyone was to dress up as a fantasy of some kind. You can imagine, we had men as women, men as gay men, women as whores, schoolgirls, etc... It was a total blast! Anyhow, I didn't have a costume as I worked all day and my school girl costume fell through for lack of a skirt! Anyhow, here is a couple little pics to give you the idea!
Okay, so in the top picture you have a view of the surrounding area with a picture of my head talking to a super cute Australian guy! No worries I was good! All in all it was good fun and close to home. That is my friend Alice, sexy huh? ;)
Talk you all soon!
P.S. For those who were curious how my hair is, you can kinda see here, but not really all that well!!!!
Yeah I suppose it has! Boys kinda like that though, no? Basically, the goal was to stop coloring, and let it get all naturally beautiful. Yes yes, i know it sounds absolutely friggin' impossible, but the not coloring thing is kind of a huge relief! I feel much better now and so does my hair, it is kinda growing out a bit now. My man tells me I look like a princess *giggle giggle*... (I am a princess after all, no?)
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