The picture you see on the left is a little old -but I wanted to put it up cause I miss my family. These are 4 our of 5 of my brothers. Todd seems to be missing - he was probably hitting the bar somewhere! This is my brother john's wedding. Talk about purple hair huh? Anyhow, there is another family wedding next weekend, and its been a couple years since we have all been together and I have to admit that I am fairly disappointed that I can't be there to see my bro's....
Can you imagine what it was like growing up with 5 brothers? Well, whatever you are imagining, it is actually probably wrong. I was not a spoiled little brat (although my parents would most likely disagree) rather I thought I was a boy - I mean i knew i didn't have the same parts, but I behaved like one. The thing is, I had always lived with my brothers until I moved to Paris. I've never been away from all of them until these past 2 years and I have to admit, it just sucks. Paul and Robert are the closest to my age (the one with his arm around me and the one at the opposite far end in the dark blue shirt). It is hard to keep in touch with brothers...its just not the same as getting foot long subs, some beer and watching enterprise or angel together, you know? Oh well, changes happen, I just miss them and have been thinking about them with the wedding this weekend. Guess they will have to get trashed enough for me and them :(
So, yesterday was Bastille Day - the equivalent of the 4th of July. Basically, Bastille day occured on July 14th, 1789 when the Bastille (A prison used by the kings of France to jail those who were 'a thorn in their side' to make them disappear of the face of the planet) was stormed and liberated. It signaled an end to monarchy in France. Now you ask me, what do French people do to celebrate? Well, they set of fireworks like us. Last night, we climbed up onto the rooftop of our Paris apartment with our glasses of champagne and watched the fireworks at the eiffel tower. I have to admit, they were pretty cool this year because they actually WIRED the fireworks TO the Eiffel Tower. After that, we played Jenga and drank and hung out, YEAHOOOO!!!
What's new in P-Town? Well, hmmm, the city is slowly empyting as vacations are getting closer and closer. Ironically in France, when a national holiday occurs on a Thursday, everyone takes Friday off too, its called a
Pont (or a bridge). Pretty nice huh? Basically, the streets are pretty empty and Paris is a quiet place.
Also, I got PACS'd on Wednesday, YEAH! We walked into the Mayor's office at 10h30 and we were waiting for the bus to go home at 10h55. Pretty efficient huh? It all went really well so now I call Nico Mr. Pacs Man, and I am Mrs. Pacs Man....okay so our sense of humor isn't outstanding!
Other than that, I have just been collecting items for vacation (little outfits, swimsuit, sunblock, books, etc...) so that I am COMPLETELY prepared this year! I think I will have a blast and maybe, JUST MAYBE, get a tan!!!
I have also been working a little on my "I want my own hotel" project. There is a huge seminar in London in September with tons of people speaking on exactly the subjects I need to research buts if over 1000 pounds to go!!!!! That doesn't even include the hotel! Geez, I am going to need a sugar daddy....
Ha, funny thing, just got a phone call from a hotel I stayed in back in June...they wanted to alert me that there was a client who stayed at the same hotel as me who died of
Legionnaires disease shortly after her stay at the same time as me!!! She told me I should go see a doctor if i felt any shortness of breath or anything. Unfortunately, that was a MONTH ago and I'd be DEAD by now if i HAD IT!!!! THANKS!
In other news (ha, that reminds me of the Daily show) I took a test of a friends blog from
testcafe.com called the sex test... it rates your proficiency in different categories and here are my rankings....
84% Oral Sex (Your strongest skill)
75% Foreplay
75% Orgasm
67% Masturbation
67% Sex Drive
67% Frequency
59% Positions
50% Sex Toys
42% Sex & Dating
34% Fantasy (Your weakest skill)
I guess I am not all that disappointed, but I feel I could have scored higher in Fantasy, OH WELL!!
I think that is enough for now, I am going back to reading Guy de Maupassant - Bel Ami. I am forcing myself to read in French and as I just finished Dan Brown - Deception Point, I have to revert to a French novel now (however I do sneak The Memoirs of Geisha in here and there!)
Take care all!!!