Well, I have so much to say today that I think I am going to separate it into separate posts. First things first, I have included a picture of Dillon. He is 12 year-old American Paint Horse (registered Sizzlin Point Blank) of mine who still lives in Chicago. A little girl bought him from me but UNFORTUNATELY doesn't have the time to ride him anymore.
DILLON IS LOOKING FOR A NEW HOME!!! He is fully broken english but was previously western. He is fully qualified for jumpting as well (3ft+) and is amazing with young children and adults alike. I want to find him a GOOD HOME!! I miss him terribly and even considered bringing him to France with me however it just wasn't possible. This horse means the world to me and anyone who comes by this blog, who might be interested, LET ME KNOW!

Speaking of animals, I also wanted to bring you all a picture of Taetum and Boo. (Inspired by Nora). Taetum is my 5 year old Rottie who lives with Christopher in Chicago. She was my little angel and here you can see her playing with a 3 month old kitten named Boo who lives my little brother in Chicago. I guess this is my little way of saying,"Hey, I didn't forget about you guys!" I haven't seen either of them in over a year and I miss them tons and tons and tons.
Unfortunately, blogger is having a hard time uploading my pictures today, so I am going to tell you about shopping in Paris! That is exactly what I did yesterday - it really relieves stress!!! So Alice and I went on over to the other side of the Seine (takes a whole 5 minutes) and went to a lovely little area called Saint-Germain-des-Près. When I say lovely, I rather mean COMPLETELY out of my price range. Nonetheless, it is an amazing sight for the eyes and also happens to be the place where I get my hair done (yes I know, Mrs. Fancy Pants).
So, let's talk about place number one,
Camille Albane, or more specifically George (my hair stylist). Okay, so yeah, it is totally freakin' kill my my hairstylists shows up in articles in glamour because he does the hair of famous people. I guess that kinda toots my horn. When you arrive, you are warmly welcomed at the reception, they give you your little robe and your ticket and you head straight upstairs. You get a lovely shampooing that smells and feels fantastic. It is hard to get up out of the chair afterwards. While you wait for George, you can sip some tea, read a magazine or even smoke a cigarette if you like. Why? BECAUSE IT'S FRANCE!!! WOOHOO!! The haircut is perfect each and everytime and best of all, George specializes in being NATURAL and keeping long hair LONG! I hate those stylists who get off on chopping off loads of hair like popping a virgin's cherry. I mean seriously... Anyhow, this place is fantastic and a great way to feel ultra-posh when you don't have tons of money. Luckily, I am under 25 so my haircut costs me 37 euros. Typically, it would be 95 for a simple cut and color. They are specialists in redheads, and Isabelle is definitely the woman to see!
Camille Albane
47, rue Bonaparte
Paris, 75006
Next, we have one of my new favorite of favorite stores called
Lush. This also exists in the U.S. but if you haven't visited it, get your ass over there! It is olfactory heaven (or perhaps hell for some men). I don't even know where to start with this place. They specialize in handmade soaps and cosmetic products. The soaps are already divine, but as you make your way through the store, you begin to discover items such as bubbling bath bombs, massage BARS (that you don't have to wet to use, they are oils in bar form), Shampoos in the shape of bar soap that smell more than fantastic, and hand made face masks that are kept on ice because they are fresh! I mean seriously, I felt like I could EAT half of the products, but instead, I bought them! For me, i did go with the shampoo in the form of soap called
Godiva! It is a shampoo that smells like Jasmin and soaps up better than any other shampoo that I know! Nothing like walking around smelling like a delicious flower! Just in case I wasn't smelling already amazing, I also bought something called
Tendre Coeur which is a massage BAR that melts with the heat of your hands onto your skin leaves you feeling softer than a baby's butt! Of course I absolutely couldn't resist the feshly made masks, so I got myself one called Wow-Wow. This scrumptious hand-made oatmeal mask leaves your skin feeling soft and totally nourished! So, all in all, get your butt over there and pamper yourself! Hey GUYS, they have stuff for your too!
Lush 30, rue Buci Paris, 75006 01 43 25 33 17
Last but CERTAINLY not least,
Ladurée! This is a lovely little patiserrie that really isn't lovely, its more like extravagant! People go there for the macarons which i think is the same word in English. They are supposedly the best in Paris and until now, I am convinced. I have tried nothing else like it. You can read all about these little wonders on their website. It is also a great place to go for brunch and the service is excellent. It is definitely a super place to stop by for a girl's afternoon!
21, rue Bonaparte
Paris, 75006
01 44 07 64 87
So my faithful readers (however few you may be), these are my most recent visits and there is certainly more to come. I am going to push myself to make these reviews, give these addresses and if all goes well, add the pictures as well!
I hope my mixed blog works out well and is readable. I look forward to ANY and ALL comments! If anyone has any questions, drop me line!